Tuesday, September 5, 2017

And now, the funniest responses to Donald Trump tweets this week

The week when President Trump was excited to learn hurricanes have eyes, then upset to learn those eyes don’t count for ratings.

1) But I thought scientists = lie-entists?

2) Pink Donald

3) Robots have feelings too

4) Take the wheel

5) You can support him for as little as $10. Tremendous deal.

6) And the sign said “Transgender people need not apply”

7) My friend’s cousin said he did it once


9) Do Not Read! Especially you, mom!

10) Numbers are fluid, you see

11) And then he skipped out on it while you were in the bathroom

12) NFL = No Filibuster League

13) Protect and swerve

14) Everybody run! Trump is coming!

15) Suddenly Australians are great people

16) “That’ll be three Machamps and a Charizard, please”

17) When do we want it?

The post And now, the funniest responses to Donald Trump tweets this week appeared first on Cloud Authority.

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